Asset Allocation and Performance
We have developed three portfolios to give investors a choice. They can be matched against a portfolio that matches their individual preferences and time frame. These portfolios start with a sound basic asset allocation and provide active quarterly tactical overweights or underweights based on the advice from our global asset consultant in London.
Conservative and Cautious
A “Conservative and Cautious” investor is new to investing and they only want to dip their toe in the water to test the temperature. They have been investing in bank term deposits and savings accounts in the past and have probably been paying off the home mortgage with any spare cash. They now realize that if they don’t start to invest in some growth assets then they may be left behind. The conservative and cautious investor is happy to invest part of their savings into shares and property but want to limit that to no more than 30% of their savings or super.
Balanced and Optimistic
A “Balanced and Optimistic” investor is keen to keep things under control and is very happy to stick to the speed limit. They dont want to speculate on the markets and generally dont check their investments regularly. The “Balanced and Optimistic” investor has a time horizon of 5 to 10 years before they need to cash in their chips!
The “Balanced and Optimistic” investor has some previous investing experience and understand how markets can rise and fall. This type of investor is patient and generally a good money manager. If this is you then this portfolio is perfect.
Growth and Ambitious
A “Growth and Ambitious” investor is happy leaving 85 per cent of their investments for the long term. They understand the principles of investing and have a great deal of experience. “Growth and Ambitious” investors have been successful in the past and are generally ahead of their peers when it comes to wealth accumulation. This type of investor works very well with a professional adviser and is self directed and has a time frame of 10 years or more before they have to liquidate their entire portfolio. “Growth and Ambitious” investors understand that panic does not pay only time does. If this is you then this portfolio is perfect.
Economic update videos
Below are our regular video updates on the state of the global economy, and the economic effect on Australia.
August 2019: Global Market Update
Harry Colvin, Longview Economics
July 2019: Global Market Update
Chris Watling, Longview Economics
May 2019: Global Market Update
Harry Colvin, Longview Economics
April 2019: Global Market Update
Harry Colvin, Longview Economics
October 2018: Global Market Update
Harry Colvin, Longview Economics
September 2018: Global Market Update
Chris Watling, Longview Economics
August 2018: Global Market Update
Harry Colvin, Longview Economics
July 2018: Global Market Update
Harry Colvin, Longview Economics
June 2018: Global Market Update
Chris Watling, Longview Economics
May 2018: Global Market Update
Chris Watling, Longview Economics
April 2018: Global Market Update
Chris Watling, Longview Economics
March 2018: Global Market Update
Chris Watling, Longview Economics
2018 Predictions: Global Market Update
Chris Watling, Longview Economics